Social media marketing: more than counting likes, shares and retweets!

Clever tweets, interesting articles, funny videos, stylish stories, … When it comes to social media marketing, your business has virtually endless possibilities to achieve success. Equally extensive is the array of channels you get to choose from. There’s Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, … Setting up a profile, channel or account is simple – and you can get it done faster than you can say “Mark Zuckerberg”. But let’s be honest: in the competitive landscape that is social media, it takes more than a few shots in the dark to become one of the main attractions.

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For one, it’s vital that your social media marketing efforts be well in line with your global marketing plan. Evidently, you want your efforts to (literally) pay off. What are the pros and cons of the available platforms? What’s the most effective way to deploy them? Just leave it to our social media marketing specialists. They will come up with a well-thought-out social strategy and strong content so you can get your voice heard out there, and as such become a consistent and high-quality presence on the social networks you plan on targeting. Finally, through smart advertising and influencer marketing, we’ll ensure your brand gets the big boost it deserves.

Social media content

How to stand out in a sea of social media content? Small talk, a funny joke, first-hand news or an in-depth conversation, … Just like ‘real life’, social media offers you plenty of ways to make yourself heard.

More on social media content

Social media strategy

Those awesome social media marketing campaigns that make consumers practically scream for more? They are always the result of a powerful strategy. A good social media strategy describes the how and what of your campaigns, as well as the concrete goals you want to achieve with them. Needless to say, any social media strategy is a tall order. We’re happy to give you the tips you need to make it easier to handle.

More on social media strategy

Influencer marketing

Influencers are nothing new. Just think of the cool kids that ruled the playground when you were little. If they wore red sneakers one day, everyone was wearing them the next. In the adult world, things are no different. It’s a proven fact that influencer marketing works. If you know how to handle it well, that is.

More on influencer marketing